1. Draw your Pony by using the Basic Guide Lines.
A. Circle for the head and a small circle for the muzzle (Mouth)
B. A slightly bigger circle for the chest.
C. Oval for the stomach.
D. Another slightly bigger circle for the butt.
E. The Hind Legs are a shape of a half circle.
F. The Legs are a shape of a Rectangle.















2. Redraw it using a tracing paper with a pen or draw over your drawing with a Pen then erase a the pencil markings.

3. Scan your Pony into Photoshop.















1. On your Layers Pallette change the Layer name to "Pony"

2. Change the Opacity to no less than 50% and lock it.

3. On your Layers Pallette, add a new Layer and name it "Background"

4. Color "Background" completely white and Lock it.

5. On your Layers Pallette, add a new Layer and name it "Color 1" and the Mode "Multiply"






Now you are ready to color. You can either do a Cartoon look or a Real Look.